
‘Tragislasher’ Season In NYC is a Must See
“Tragislasher,” is the name of the new repertory season from Spicy Witch Productions, a feminist collective which specializes in pairing classical and contemporary plays. Thomas Middleton‘s The Revenger’s Tragedy, a Jacobean revenge drama with elements of subversive social and political commentary, alternates with Bonesetter: A Tragislasher, an adaptation of Middleton’s

Let’s Get Wet: Broke-Ass Water Activities
If you’re a fellow cube dweller by day, you’re lucky enough to enjoy free air conditioning for approximately eight hours Monday through Friday while the rest of the city – namely tourists who don’t believe in deodorant – slog around the streets, coated in their own sweat, and clog the

FREE Screening of “On the Street,” Tomorrow at the New York Public Library
Seriously, how cool is this– during 1980 to 1990, photographer Amy Arbus took pictures of local New York City color for the “On the Street” section of the Village Voice. Years later, as she was preparing to publish a book of her work, she wondered what happened to many of

FREE Coffee All Over NYC Through February
Oh my God, you guys. Did you hear about this? This is kinda major. Like, new-Rococop-movie level major. When I budget out my life I can always count on a few common red lines. Biggest one is booze, naturally, but a perpetual deficit is my love of coffee. Now, thanks

No Frills, Just Music at The Stone
Like most cool things in NYC, The Stone is hard to find. Not because it’s the next super swanky “knock three times and wink suggestively while purring like a cat” to get in hot spot (do those really exist, by the way? I haven’t been invited yet…), but because the

Best Kinda Public-ish Bathrooms
What’s awesome about New York is that if you’re cold, hungry, thirsty or tired there are never a shortage of places to go into to remedy these issues. Bodegas, delis, bookstores, coffee places, bars. But what about the bathroom? We all know that walking into a Starbucks bathroom in