Dumbo Arts Festival

Best Places for Cheapskates to Meet People Who Aren’t Cheapskates.
Cross economic divides and magic can happen… I’m a cheapskate. So are most of my friends. But sometimes, conversations about how crazy it is that the price of the supermarket toilet roll has gone up 50c get boring. I don’t want to sell my soul to someone who’ll take me

Dumbo Underwater Visualizes Brooklyn's Sunken Future
It’s a safe – and apparently scientific – assumption that, if the earth’s water levels one day decided to rise, New York won’t be spared. We’re okay with that, and mostly because we’re not really planning on living until 2100 anyway. Sorry, kids. But as much as we’d like to forget

Your Saturday: Beer, Brats, Art Festivals, and Sordid Secrets
With New York still enjoying its Indian Summer, it seems like everyone is trying to pack every possible event into one weekend before the chill of fall sets in. Normally we just pick one event, but there is just too much good stuff to choose. So whether you want to