Free food

Village Voice hosts 9th annual Choice Eats! And we’ve got the dish on free tickets
The Village Voice 9th Annual Choice Eats Tasting Event will feature 50+ handpicked restaurants from all five New York City boroughs. Guests will sample the best dishes from restaurants reviewed and heralded in the Village Voice along with complimentary craft beer pairings, wine and liquor beverages. Our resident food

this week’s events: new york
Rad Upcoming NY Events Caribou with guest Sinkane THU. 08/06 | 7:00PM @ EAST RIVER PARK Dan Snaith’s latest album, Our Love (2014), isn’t the sound of isolated basement creation but the sound of Dan at his most connected – with love for his listeners, his collaborators, and those closest

10 Places to Get Free Food During Happy Hour in NYC
When I die, if there’s such thing as heaven, it’s gonna be appetizer hour all day long. I love getting to eat tons of little bites, that way I don’t have to just settle on one thing. Free food at happy hour is the closest thing we can get to

A List of Bars That Give Out FREE Food in New York City
Whoever said “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” was an asshole. That said, he/she was mostly right; rarely is there anything free in this world. Luckily being a broke-ass makes you resourceful, so not having to pay for food once you’ve already paid for a drink is

Why You Shouldn’t Date Someone For Free Food.
So close, yet so far. I’ve been in Brooklyn for 5 days now, and I have yet to eat a normal meal. Unless you count pizza, and my very English mother would disown me if I did. It’s not just that I’m broke, or culinarily challenged. There’s also a rabbit

FREE Potluck and Artist Talk Show @ Flux Factory on THURSDAY 11/8
Potlucks are basically free buffets for cheap skates. Sure, there’s a little bit of a stigma for the free loader who shows up with a $2 bottle of sprite “to share.” But screw ‘em, you’ll be fat and full and your detractors will be angry (and possibly hungry). Who wins

FREE Wine Tastings at Bottlerocket in Greenwich Village
Wine culture is honestly something that Two-Buck Chuck-swiggin’ simpleton like me just doesn’t understand, but I sure am willing to learn! Especially when said wine is FREE. For this reason, you can pretty much count on finding me slurring my words while clutching the shit out of a wine glass