
Hallmark Cards to Grandparents Now Subtly Mention Inheritance
It’s Valentines Day again soon, and America is gearing up for a lovely day full of candy, chocolate, & romance. Holiday Card makers Hallmark are also gearing up for a very busy week of business, although we’re told it’s not all hearts and cherubs at company headquarters this year. It turns

Vannessa’s Dumpling House: So Damn Cheap, So Damn Good!
Food is absolutely amazing! It can pick you up when you are feeling down, help celebrate life’s Hallmark moments, bridge the gaps between cultures and most of it fuels your body! With that being said, it is obvious we need food…right?! But what if you are strapped for cash? You

Screw Love: The Broke-Ass Anti-Valentine’s Day Round-Up
There’s nothing quite like a slew of glittery cardboard hearts, strategically plastered throughout the lifeless windows of New York City’s retail stores, prepping themselves for that one day in February. There isn’t another imitation holiday that can arrogantly compete, nothing else that simply screams out: commercialized holiday bastardizing the idea