job search

How to get your dream job through forgery
I like danger and anything I can’t have. My favorite crime is forgery. It’s a neglected art that we’re taught to be ashamed of. Before I tutor your first session, here are a few guidelines: The Rules of Forgery. 1st RULE: You do not talk about FORGERY. 2nd RULE: You DO

Why Searching for a Job and Online Dating are the Exact Same Thing
Hunting for a sexytime partner and hunting for a job is the exact same thing. It takes a lot of self-evaluation, decision-making and compromise. I’ve never dated out of my species before… 1) The Write Up An online dating profile and a resume are the exact same process. You spend time writing

Apploi Makes Job Searches Quick and Convenient From Your Mobile Device
As the holidays slowly become a distant memory, so does your temporary or seasonal job. It’s time to look for something to get you through the winter months. Apploi, an application for your smartphone or tablet is changing the entire scope of the job application and hiring process. Apploi, a

Leave Your Damn Apartment!
Unemployment is hard. Job hunting is a job in itself without the pay and the benefits. However like having a regular job it takes entirely too much of your time and you kind of hate your boss sometimes. Currently, I am looking for work and I spend a majority of

Bullsh*t-Free Job Search Advice
I seem to have careers on the brain lately. I’ve applied for a lot of jobs and I’ve also hired a lot of people in my life, so I know all the bullshit that happens. The job search is a game, but unfortunately, we all need to play. The thing