medicare for all

03 Apr 2020

It Took the World Getting Sick for America to Realize What a Lot of Us Already Knew

Guest Post by KATE HARVESTON Countries like New Zealand (1939), the United Kingdom (1948), Sweden (1955) and Norway (1956) began putting together national health systems many decades ago. Yet, the U.S. has remained steadfastly determined to stick to its for-profit health care model. But at what cost? COVID-19, the new coronavirus,

Guest Writer 0
18 Dec 2018

Two Women Paid Off $1.5 Million in Medical Debt For Strangers

By Katie Robbins How would you like to wake up this holiday season to find a letter in your mailbox announcing a complete stranger has paid off your medical bills just because they wanted to? That’s exactly what two activists with the Campaign for New York Health did for over

Guest Writer 0
01 Nov 2018

Last Minute Get Out The Vote Efforts In New York

The mid-terms are days away. This is the homestretch. Voting is incredibly important but so is getting OTHER people to vote. The only way to correct some of the awful things that Trump has done (and will continue to do) is to help turn the so called ‘Blue Wave into

Joe DeLong - NYC Editor 0