Mental Health

22 Nov 2019

Finding Mental Health Care Drives New Yorkers Insane

by Hannah Harkness A year after moving to NYC, I tweeted out “I have an NYC therapist and a Philly therapist because only a Philly therapist understands what 30 years of living in Philadelphia does to your mind.” Like a lot of jokes on my Twitter feed, this was less

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10 Oct 2019

5 Accomplished, Incredible People Who Attempted Suicide

One of the hardest parts about suicidal thoughts (other than the whole, you know, wanting to die thing) is the shame. You can feel weak. You can feel inadequate. You can ask yourself: Why is this so hard for me? Why can’t I just carry on like everyone else? It’s

19 Sep 2019

Why Are Rich New Yorkers So F***ing Weird?

by Jackson Curtin I’m new to the city. Since moving here, I’ve noticed a new kind of interaction has become a part of my life… It was after work on a weekday. I was walking to the 6 station, and saw a middle-aged man in an expensive suit, trendy haircut,

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06 Sep 2018

Surviving ADHD as an Adult

By Rachel Fogletto So, you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and you’re probably thinking, “What do I even do with this information?” If you’re anything like me, you’ll write a painfully funny standup bit about it and pray your doctor doesn’t ever look you up on YouTube. If

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18 May 2018

How Working in Retail Destroyed My Self Esteem

Guest post written anonymously Once upon a time I was freshly 21 and applied for a job that, at that time, was my dream job. I didn’t have any formal experience in that field, but my freelance background seemed to make up for it. On my third and final interview

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02 Jun 2017

5 Creative and Free Alternatives to Therapy

By Katie Barbaro Let’s face it: therapy is expensive and rarely covered by insurance. You’ve probably asked yourself, “Do I want to pay out of pocket for an hour-long therapy session or feed myself for a month?” (Answer: FEED YOURSELF, per Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.) Ideally, therapy will someday be

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30 Mar 2016

Surviving in NYC Without Health Insurance (Yes, It’s possible)

Being uninsured is a bitch, and with the new administration making it even more impossible to attain the most basic healthcare, getting sick is a luxury many of us cannot afford. The good news is that I found some hacks to share so you can work around this imperfect system

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