nyc subway

The Story Behind the Dick Pic Art Show
By Rebecca Rush A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it takes a thousand pictures to say one word: NO. Artist Kidd Bell’s I Didn’t Ask For This: A Lifetime of Dick Pics SF Edition will be tonight and tomorrow at SOMArts. Although tonight’s tickets are sold out online,

Tales of My Foot Phobia
Believe it or not, this morning marked the second time that I saw someone clip their nails on the subway. At least it wasn’t their toenails, like the first time around. That incident happened during the summer, when it was hot enough to wear sandals– the thick, B.O.-pungent air, and

Celebrating Two Years in New York City: A Look Back at the Time I Got Punched on the Subway
Not to get all promote-y or anything, but in Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in New York City (read it!), he compares NYC to a girl who you constantly chase, but is ultimately out of your league. I totally get this statement, but for me, New York City is

Ride the Vintage Holiday Trains With Your Metro Card
Most of the year, I despise the MTA with an enthusiasm that I reserve for only the most putrid members of our society, like skeazy guys who catcall and expect you to be appreciative, and Rupert Murdoch. This hatred is for the usual, obvious reasons of fare hikes and the

Three Circles of Subway People Hell
Between rush hour, service delays, and inexplicable line changes, riding the subway can be quite the calamitous adventure all on its own without the krazy kast of kharacters that you may be lucky enough to have ride in your subway car. Dante’s Inferno-style, I’ve divided the circles of horror into

Take The A Train: Entertainment Express
The New York City subway is a vast, sprawling stage, full of entertainment in its stations, on its platforms and inside its trains. For $2.25, one could literally spend their entire life within the subway system watching the show. Any train will have its share of schizos, scammers and scandal.

NYC Subway: Scrounge Up A Free Ride
If you live in New York City, odds are you rely on MTA on a daily basis. You already know. So I don’t have to tell you how integral the subway system is to our daily lives. And as far as cost goes, yes, we must admit, even after the