Paris Hilton

Diplo Wins Burning Man ‘Douchebag of the Year’ Award
We hope all of you artists, freaks, friends, crafters, rangers, dancers, and newbies all had a great burn this year! Burning Man is a great place for art, community, music, gifting, hedonism, self-expression, self-discovery, and self-reliance. Founded by a community who wanted an environment “unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or

Which Famous A**Holes Are Going To Burning Man 2019?
Which rich and famous stars will sparklepony up to Burning Man 2019? We have a pretty good idea already, based on their public comments, social media posts, and history of going to Burning Man every year because they can afford to. We’ve compiled this fairly determinative list of which famous

Which Famous A**holes Are Going To Burning Man 2017?
Who are the rich and famous a**holes you’ll see turnt up at the turnkey camps of Burning Man 2017? Based on their public comments, social media posts and history of going to Burning Man every year because they can afford to, we’ve determined which famous assholes will ride in private

Dear TV, Being Broke Ain’t That Easy!
Don’t judge me, but I’ve been kinda casually checking out that new show “2 Broke Girls” lately (partially because I think that chick from that one Michael Cera movie- and more recently in Thor– is quite pleasantly sassy; but mostly because I didn’t continue watching Gossip Girl past season one,