
Professional Drinking Advice For Women Thanks To The CDC
While the rest of us were screwing around with all that Chipotle nonsense, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, otherwise known as the CDC, were launching its latest ad campaign geared towards women and fetal alcohol syndrome. Unfortunately it read more like a fundamentalist Christian attack on your vagina,

Rad Upcoming NY Events PAT PRIDE THU. 06/25 | 10:00PM – 4:00AM @ UNION POOL Best known for her bands Le Tigre, JD Samson is starting on a new party called, PAT. The party will focus on good vibes, good sound, video projection by local video artists and DJ’s that aren’t afraid to

FREE TONIGHT: Get Drunk and Learn About the History of Partying in Brooklyn
Get drunk and party while learning or…learn about the history of partying while getting shitfaced! Tonight you can join the Society for the Advancement of Social Studies (S.A.S.S) at The Bedford as they bring you three lectures that will teach you all about the history of partying. Find out who

Four Ways To Possibly Get Rid of Writer’s Block
OK so let’s just jump right into it, because I’m fucking bored, perpetually heartbroken this week, and just not really into anything. Usually that’s when I get my best writing done but lately all I can do is sit in bed and like, cry, or play this new-ish Simpsons game

How to Not Murder Yourself in Portland This Winter
Like most people that live in Portland right now, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of “the sky is grey, everything is grey, the choices I make get perpetually worse every year, my life is going nowhere, I want to die, is there someone available to take care of

Hangover Cures from Your Fellow Broke-Asses
On this, one of the most hangover laden weekends of the year, you’re probably curled up in a ball apologizing to your stomach and liver and wishing that Abraham Lincoln had never invented alcohol. One thing that has gotten me through times like this are the funny/genius cures offered up