Weird & Wonderful: Our 1st Listener Call in Episode!
Please listen to this newest podcast and share it. Also, make sure to subscribe. Links are below: itunes Google Play Soundcloud Also please DONATE! Square will pay you for doing so! Sonny puts a lot of time and energy into producing this podcast and we make $0 doing it. If you sign
Weird & Wonderful: The Importance of Supporting Antifa
Please listen to this newest podcast and share it. Also, make sure to subscribe. Links are below: itunes Google Play Soundcloud We have a really great and really important episode of Weird & Wonderful for you today. In it we recap the anti-fascist rallies that happened in the Bay Area over
Weird & Wonderful: Repelling Down Skyscrapers & Building Skateboards
Please listen to this newest podcast and share it. Also, make sure to subscribe. Links are below: itunes Google Play Soundcloud We’ve got another great installment of the Weird & Wonderful Podcast for you! And this time it’s all outdoorsy and shit. First up we have Josh Brankman of Outward Bound
Welcome to ‘Welcome to Night Vale!’
Podcasts slipped so smoothly into our lives that it’s hard to pinpoint when they started. Harder than to just accept that since whenever-that-was they’ve matured into a fascinating new form of expression. Podcasts are both of the moment and, at the same time, quaint in their DIY, hustling, carnival barker
Full Disclosure: Why Porn Stars Are Real People Who Provide Real Value
I’m a comedian. I frequently hear and say things that outside a comedic context many would find offensive. But the job of the comedian is to be incisive and shrewd – to have a point of view and further that point of view through laughter. Where we get into trouble
Full Disclosure: Your Period’s Not That Gross
We all know that anything that comes out of a woman (other than relentless orgasms) is completely unnatural and disgusting. If that wasn’t the case, then jokes about it would seem hackneyed and unoriginal. But women must really like bleeding out their vag, otherwise why would they spend 11.4% of their
Full Disclosure: Christianity Ruined My Sex Life
When I tell people who I used to be, they don’t believe me. And not just because I used to be black. It’s because I was withdrawn, lacking in all things self-esteem, clad in Matrix gear (complete with trenchcoat), and emphatically Christian. People who knew me then hardly recognize me