Red Cross

The Bay Area Earthquake Safety Guide, it’s Important!
Do you know what to do when a massive earthquake happens? Do you want to know how to prepare yourself, your loved ones, your neighbors? Good! The Earthquake Safety Project is aiming at educating everyone in the Bay Area. Bellow, you’ll find a digital version of the Earthquake Safety Guide,

News Wrap for this Week: Homeless and Hurricanes
This week’s news highlights homelessness in San Francisco and Oakland and touches a little on the monstrosity of a hurricane barreling toward the Southeast coast. Let’s go… SFPD plays “whack a mole” at the U.N. Plaza You may have noticed an increased police presence down at the U.N. Plaza in

What to Drink When Shit Hits the Fan
Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past week (or what’s more likely, an overturned bus) you’ve probably noticed that our country is a little en fuego. Between that mega-bitch named Sandy and the SF Giants winning the World Series, it’s a bona fide shit show out there. No matter the circumstances, however,