United States

The Deep Historical Roots of America’s Opioid Crisis
by Xan Holbrook During the trial of Michael Jackson’s doctor, I happened to be at my mother’s house. We watched a news report that detailed the extent of Jackson’s pharmaceutical drug addiction. My mother, a proud NHS nurse of 40 years, shook her head in incredulity at the drugs Jackson’s

America’s Corrupt Past Rooted in Tammany Hall
“I don’t care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating.” – William M. Tweed We still see the political pundits and news junkies go on and on about how corrupt the government is. Left wing, right wing, no matter what wing you fly

The Mystery of NYC’s Hidden Track 61
Beneath the Waldorf Astoria Hotel (301 Park Avenue), there lies a secret train platform only the prestigious, famous, and high ranking are eligible to use. Yes, Grand Central Terminal is where one would get off and get on all of the major railroads in and out of the City, but

What September 11th Can Still Teach Us About Each Other
I was a little kid when the attacks on the World Trade Center occurred. My Mother got me out of the Catholic school and we ran home to see my dad in the kitchen with the TV on. My interest at the time was on airplanes. I absolutely loved them,

Chilling in Chelsea: One Star Bar
Photo from Yelp.com It’s a known fact that your experience in a bar is different when you’re 21 than when you’re 31. I now view going to bars as an opportunity to bond with the few friends I have left instead of getting trashed with a bunch of acquaintances who

Searching for Sports in Hipster-Land: The East Village
Photo from thehorseboxnyc.com If you’re a sports fan like me, I’m sure it happens to you all the time: Your friends are dying to try that new lounge/bistro/dive in [insert newly gentrified NYC neighborhood here] but all you want to do is sit back with a cheap cold one and

The Talking Heads As Told by Puppets
It’s pretty simple logic: two separate awesome things become more awesome when combined. Examples: tubbed frosting spread on a graham cracker, cross-breeds of dogs, puppets and the Talking Heads, etc. Sinking Ship Productions has nailed the later combination for their eighth installment of Puppet Playlist. Puppet Playlist is bi-monthly show