world cup

US Women’s Soccer Fans Chant ‘F— Trump’ on Live TV After World Cup Title
The U.S. women are World Cup champions again, winning their third World Cup this summer in France. Fox Sports was there to capture the magic, and after the US defeated the Dutch team in Lyon, a Fox reporter was in a nearby bar covering the celebration. During the live broadcast,

All There is to Know about Soccer for Those Ladies (and Fellas) Who Love Balls, but Have No Clue About the World Cup
Guest post by Jaisette Herrera I love balls. They come in all sizes and shapes….and all are used to score. Balls are celebrated across the world and none are so adored then the ones that get to play in the World Cup. I am a girl who loves sports, but I’m

Floyd in NYC: So Much Beer, So Few Dollars
There are a few reasons a person might drink six cans of shit beer in one sitting. Getting fired. Getting dumped. The United States losing to Ghana. Weekday afternoons. You know, truly heartbreaking shit. Luckily, like most necessities in this city, there is a bar for that. Floyd, which sits

The Paley Center for Media Celebrates the FIFA World Cup!
I kind of don’t get what all the fuss is over The World Cup. I mean, it’s…soccer, right? Soccer, guys. However even I am excited to learn that the amazing Paley Center for Media will allow viewers to watch live feeds of the games FREE EVERYDAY. Through partnerships with ESPN