
FREE: Brooklyn Zine Fest at Public Assembly
Zine publishers Matt Carman and Kseniya Yarosh are heading back to Williamsburg to host the 2nd Annual Brooklyn Zine Fest at Public Assembly. The event which has expanded their lineup of writers, artists and publishers, will take place on Sunday, April 21st from 11am-6pm. Admission is FREE! “Last year we

FREE Zine Exhibition and Opening Celebration at Brooklyn College
Zines are a broke-ass creative’s best friend. They’re hella cheap to make, independently published, and– just like Pokemon cards– super fun to collect and trade ‘cause you gotta catch ‘em all. Zines are the best, which is why I am so excited for Brooklyn College Library’s new zine section (as

Look at BrokeAssStuart.com Through the Years Thanks to the Wayback Machine
I just learned about the Wayback Machine this morning when I read this article on Time’s Techland blog. Some fucking genius created this amazing digital time capsule that is described thusly on wikipedia: The Wayback Machine is a digital time capsule created by the Internet Archive non-profit organization, based in

Preview the New York Art Book Fair This Thursday at PS1
Heaven on Earth will come to Long Island City this weekend– in the form of an old public school overflowing with art books, catalogs and zines. Featuring more than 200 exhibitors, along with lots of free talks and performances, the New York Art Book Fair is legitimately awesome. Held at

FREE Zinester's Guide to NYC Release Party
If you buy one travel book about NYC, it should be Broke Ass Stuart’s. If you buy a second, it should be the Zinester’s Guide to NYC by Ayun Halliday. Broke Ass Stuarts lists just about every decent dive bar in the metro area, while the zinester’s guide encourages people

Broke-Ass of the Week – The StreetWorthy Crew
Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit…probably not.

FREE Zine Panel Discussion at ABC No Rio
It’s hard to find places that are more badass than ABC No Rio. They started out as an illegal art exhibition, and has turned into one of the biggest zine libraries in the country. (They also have a darkroom and silkscreening facilities at very reasonable rates). For the past six