Yoga for Broke-Asses
From the desk of Broke-Ass Stuart – Editor in Cheap
Which kind of yoga do you practice? photo from
Yoga has never really been my thing. Maybe it’s because the one time I tried it was at Funky Door Yoga where they crank the heat up to 105 degrees and the room ends up smelling like a mixture of feet and ass crack (maybe it should be called Funky Backdoor Yoga). Plus the whole time I was there I couldn’t stop thinking about the story I’d heard about someone who got fungus on their face from a used sweaty yoga mat. It was probably a urban legend spread by one of Funky Door’s competitors, but still, I only lasted for half the session before I cut out and got a beer.
That being said, I saw on Going today that The Center is now holding yoga classes on Thursdays from 7-9pm and the cost is sliding scale. This means that you get to decide how much you wanna pay from $0-$10. Plus it’s supposed to be easy for beginners and they don’t turn up the heat to ungodly temperatures that can only be measured in Kelvin. If for some reason I decided to try yoga again, this would probably be the way.
Sounds like something you could be into doesn’t it? Well guess what, if you miss today, you don’t have to wait until next Thursday! You can go to Yoga to the People in Berkeley (or the East VIllage for you NYC people) and do cheap yoga any day of the week. While they ask for a $10 donation, it’s really pay what you can. So now that you know where to get some cheap exercise, your only excuse for being lazy is well, being lazy.
God bless cheap yoga for giving Broke-Asses better asses.