FREE Cookies May Lead to World Peace.
A cookie is a little morsel of happiness. Nobody eats a cookie and then goes out and commits a heinous act of violence; twinkies maybe, but not cookies. There are few things in life that can brighten your day like a good one (unless you’re diabetic of course, in which case it absolutely ruins your day), which is why I’m excited to tell you about the grand opening of Anthony’s Cookies.
According to my sources (that means you Bonnie, so this better be right), Anthony has been baking and selling cookies in San Francisco for over 10 years. After all that time spent toiling in other people’s kitchens, Anthony finally saved up enough loot to open his own place and on Saturday, April 25th he’s celebrating by giving out cookies from 1-3pm! Now if my previous statement holds true, and we can get everyone in the neighborhood to try one of these bad boys, maybe we’ll actually have a Saturday in the Mission where nobody gets shot….probably not.
Anthony’s Cookies
1417 Valencia St. btw 24th & 25th Sts.
FREE Cookies 1-3pm