FREE Screening of the Movie "The Recess Ends"
In some ways living in San Francisco means taking this recession a bit lightly. People who live here are used to having to cut corners to survive and considering that most people don’t own property and don’t have kids, those of you who got sacked from your jobs are now on Funemployment.
But this is not the case for most of the country, so filmmaking brothers Austin and Brian Chu decided to travel to all 50 States to document how the recession is impacting everyday Americans. The film they made during their travels is The Recess Ends and you my lovely little broke-asses get to see it for free.
I just watched the trailer and it looks pretty freaking awesome. All I gotta say about it is: little kids rapping and Amish people. If that doesn’t get you, nothing will.
This Friday at 7pm, the Brothers Chu will be at The Victoria Theatre screening their film. And all you gotta do is get your FREE tickets here. That being said, feel free to donate a couple buck to help cover the theatre rental.
The Recess Ends
The Victoria Theatre
2961 16th Street btw Mission and S.Van Ness
[The Mission]
Friday, 11/20
FREE Screening