Euripedes's "Cyclops": The Oldest Play About Drinking
I remember first hearing the name Euripedes in 6th grade when we were studying Greek something or other. Or maybe it was drama. Regardless I loved the way the name just rolled off the tongue and there was a good 10 year period where I was convinced that I wanted to name my kid Euripedes.
While I still think it’s a bad ass name, I don’t think I’m gonna put my future son through the years of harassment that would come with a name that easily turned into “Your-ripping-these farts” or something equally as cruel. So my kid will just have to settle on something simpler like Asswipe (pronounces As-we-pey). Well not really.
Anyways, I saw this on Johnny Funcheap’s site. Apparently Big E’s play “Cyclops” is the oldest play about drinking; something I know is up your alley. And it’s also apparently being performed for FREE tonight at 7:30 at Cafe Royale. It’s been adapted by Ben Fisher and apparently that’s all the info Johnny had for me to borrow (I mean steal).
Euripedes’s “Cyclops”
Cafe Royale
800 Post St. @ Leavenworth
Monday, 1/18