Arts and CultureBoozeSan Francisco

The Return of Thursday Nights at Milk on Haight

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from our friends over at Epicsauce, but tonight marks the return of their Thursday night cheap booze/local music session at Milk Bar in the Haight. After more than a month off, they’re back with live sets from local acts Tempo No Tempo, Fake Drugs, and Cosmonauts as well as DJ sets from Starfucker, oOoOO, and Bye Bye Blackbird. Lord knows you don’t have the time or cash to hit every random local show in the city, which is why you shouldn’t let yourself be scared away by all those crazy band names and just let Kevin, the man behind the sauce, curate what’s good in town right now.

The skinny on the cheap: $3 Trumer Pils/Tecate/PBR all night and no cover before 10:30pm, so show up an the early side. Presents:
Thursday Nights at Milk Bar
1840 Haight St. at Shrader [Upper Haight]
9pm – 2am
No Cover before 10:30
$3 Trumer/Tecate/PBR all night
Full Details over on Epicsauce

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Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Andrew is an East Coast transplant from Virginia hamming it up in San Francisco without any intention of leaving. Having worked every typical job from Bike Shop Employee to Bartender to Ad Agency Hotshot, to Dotcom Layoff he now busts his ass covering the "weird things to do" beat for gracious local audiences at and rallies the Western Addy/Lower Haight/Panhandle neighborhoods into action at His work was published in a real, paper magazine one time. One day he might even figure out how to make money from it.