The Saloon

photo from buzzine
From the outside this spot has a total biker bar look to it, but once you get in you realize that it is more of a “55 year olds getting drunk and dancing to live blues music” sort of spot. This fabled watering hole is one of the oldest in the City, and didn’t burn down during the fire/earthquake of 1906 because the firemen wanted to save what was at the time also one of the City’s favorite whorehouses. Although the whores are gone, the bar is still here serving $3 well drinks and having live, mostly blues, music every night. Make sure to check out the stained glass windows near the front.
Last night the bartender carded my friends and after they explained that they were carded at the door, the barkeep answered, 'œBy who? That guy doesn’t work here.' So what if the crowd is old, smells a little, and is usually shit-faced drunk, the Saloon might just be the bar that all other dive bars are trying to emulate. Plus, you might get to dance with these guys:
The Saloon
1232 Grant @ Columbus
[North Beach]