Arts and CultureBoozeSan Francisco

Impress Your Friends by Brewing Your Own Beer!

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

I recently had some effing delicious homebrew made by some friends, who I now think are some kind of wizards or something because how could beer made at home taste like anything other than butt?  But seriously, this beer was comparable to anything you’d buy at any one of the million bars in the city, and I can’t let these alcohol geniuses get away with being good at something I’m not.

But I don’t fault myself , since I’ve had absolutely no experience with brewing my own beer.  Bazaar Cafe obviously feels me, because tonight they’re hosting “How to Make Beer in Your Basement” night.  A home brewer named Caleb Shaffer, a seven-year veteran of self-brewing, will present the lowdown on techniques, equipment, ingredients, and all the other ins and outs of making your first home brew experience a success.

And true to form, this event is completely FREE, leaving you with some extra cash for a grilled cheese sandwich or a chai latte.  Score.

How To Brew Your Own Beer — How-To Night at Bazaar Cafe Wednesday, July 14, 7pm 5927 California St. (at 21st Ave.) FREE

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Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

When Christy announced she was leaving her family's Southern California home and moving to San Francisco, her mom said, "Have fun in that den of sin." This is the only (however sarcastic) advice Christy has ever taken from her mom, who also told her to join and cover her eyes during sex scenes in movies. Christy puts her creative writing degree to good use by locating the typos on Chinese food menus and spends most of her time challenging friends to all-you-can-eat contests and trying to get that one bartender at Zeitgeist to smile.