Arts and CultureBoozeSan Francisco

FREE Booze and Cool Furniture at Dusty Modern Grand Opening Party Tonight!

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Looking for something to do this weekend involving FREE booze, cool art, furniture and the Mission, but don’t want to stoop to showing up at the front door of your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend and risking an outbreak of those pesky genital warts?  I’ve got you covered.

Tonight at 5pm, Dusty Modern, a new furniture store/art gallery on 20th and South Van Ness, is celebrating its grand opening with FREE PBR, Tecate, cheap champagne (because who can tell the difference anyway, right?) and a whole bunch of good-looking people who think mid-century artifacts are bad-ass.  I’m a big fan of the art-gallery-slash-other-things (art-gallery-slash-bar, art-gallery-slash-bathroom stall), but art-gallery-slash-furniture store is kind of brilliant.  Especially for tonight, when you won’t have to go far at all to find a seat when you start seeing quadruple after your tenth FREE Tecate.

Dusty Modern Grand Opening Party Friday, September 24, 5pm – 8pm 3367 20th St. @ South Van Ness [The Mission]
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Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

When Christy announced she was leaving her family's Southern California home and moving to San Francisco, her mom said, "Have fun in that den of sin." This is the only (however sarcastic) advice Christy has ever taken from her mom, who also told her to join and cover her eyes during sex scenes in movies. Christy puts her creative writing degree to good use by locating the typos on Chinese food menus and spends most of her time challenging friends to all-you-can-eat contests and trying to get that one bartender at Zeitgeist to smile.