Conquering Mammoth Proportions at Mission's Kitchen
Mission’s Kitchen is outwardly deceiving because, from the 1940’s blinds in the window to the sign trimmed in incandescent bulbs, the place look’s like your typical diner that time forgot, not unlike say, Jim’s up the street.
The thing is that whereas it does provide all the standards-for-a-song you would find at any diner, it also offers a whole cavalcade of delicious alternatives like chilaquiles and something called the Central American Special, which sounds like some relic of the golden age of rail travel. Most of these are a little higher price wise, but you could really get one plate for two people. The Central American, for example comes with eggs, bacon, a block of fried cheese, gallo pinto, platanos fritos with cream, and toast all served on the size of platter generally reserved for roasted meat.
In addition to that, the staff is super friendly, fast and rather good looking, which is unexpected given the setting. Not to knock Flo of course- she was hot to trot.
Photo Caption: Diane or Polly? Really, does one have to decide?