Arts and CultureMusicSan Francisco

Feist Documentary @ Noise Pop

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I never think I’m going to like documentaries. That might make me sound like an idiot but the thing is, when I feel like watching a movie, it’s the one time I’m not trying to learn. I went to school for 20 years. I paid my learning dues. But the other thing is, once I get myself to actually sit and watch them, they’re usually really good. I mean, most movies are a gamble. You can get tricked by a great cast or a once-great director (Woody Allen) into sitting for 2 hours through a complete shitfest. But with a documentary, you pretty much know what you’re gonna get. But some are a notch above.

For example, Look at What the Light Did Now. I went to see this documentary about Feist back in November before it premiered. They showed it for one night only at the Berkeley Art Museum’s Pacific Film Archive. I went not knowing what to expect. But then the movie was AMAZING. So inspiring. And… Feist herself was there! And afterwards I got to hang out with her at the Starry Plough (I was a little embarrassed. Open mic night at this Berkeley bar is not exactly showing her the best the Bay has to offer.). New girl crush, big time.

[youtube DKVqiJbCtwY]

The point of this long-winded story is that the film will be showed at Noise Pop on Thursday, February 24, at Viz Cinema. I know that’s a long way off, but Noise Pop events sell out quick, so buy tickets now. I apologize for giving you this quote instead of telling you about it myself, but my big show (which I shamelessly promoted here last week) is tomorrow and I got some prep to do. One thing I do know, is that the name of the movie comes from a song by the Bay’s very own Kyle Field of Little Wings (one of my faves). Scroll down to watch him and Feist singing it as a duet.

“Look at What the Light Did Now documents the journey of Feist’s Grammy nominated album The Reminder. This poetic film pulls back the curtain to reveal intimate partnerships with the people Feist calls her ‘amplifiers’: The photographer who helped her hide within the frame, shadow puppeteers in hockey arenas, an artist who built a thread-radiating mural, the video director who conducted fireworks, the pianist who guided the recording of the album, and other musical and visual collaborators. The film follows Feist and her supporting cast through an impressionistic array of flickering scenery, echoing stadiums, puppet workshops, the red carpet, a crumbling French mansion, definitive concert performances and uncommonly candid interviews. Itself a part of the creative mosaic it portrays, Look at What The Light Did Now illuminates the synergy of collaboration, art as magnifying glass, and the power of trust.”

Screening of Look at What the Light Did Now
Thursday, February 24, 8pm
Viz Cinema
1746 Post St.
$10 (

[youtube yPkKacaGaGY]

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Chloe - Pennywise Reporter

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter

Chloe's youth was split between California and Kauai, frolicking on a macadamia nut farm in the tropics and landing finally in the Bay Area. Raised by super-Jew hippies, and the youngest of three sisters, Chloe learned early the virtues of thrift, economy, and green living. To the chagrin of her parents (who hoped, of course, for a Jewish doctor or lawyer), Chloe has put her degree from UC Berkeley to great use by becoming a folk singer. As "Chloe Makes Music" she plays shows throughout SF and beyond, donning vintage frocks, selling handmade merch, and pinching pennies as she sings for her supper. Calling Berkeley home for the last six years, you can think of Chloe as the website's East Bay Correspondent, opening your eyes to the hippie-filled, tree-hugging, organic-loving, vegan-eating, but way-overlooked and awesome assets of Berkeley, Oakland, and beyond.