The Revolution Will Be Tuneful
Classical music brings to mind a certain stodginess: evening gowns, opera glasses, stuffy libraries, professors with ridiculous mustaches. But Classical Revolution is trying to change that stereotype, one Monday night at a time, by turning the Revolution Cafe into a classical jam session. Oh, and this madness is FREE.
Talented musicians, from Arditti Quartet members to startup employees, are invited to play with the bunch. Founded in San Francisco in 2006, the collective has continued following its dream of making the old greats accessible to everyone, rich and poor, old and young, big and small, hip and lame. Classical Revolution has spread to such unlikely places as Cleveland, Detroit, and South Florida.
I have a sweet spot for that old-time classical music; the Beethovens, the Mozarts, the Debussys, and the Vivaldis made possible your treasured Animal Collectives, your Lil Waynes, your Rebecca Blacks, and your Kenny Chesneys. So you know I’m gonna be gettin’ up close and personal with the professional and amateur musicians and composers who make up the Revolution (not the Prince kind).
Classical Revolution at the Revolution Cafe3248 22nd St. at Bartlett [The Mission]
Mondays at 8pm
FREE, optional $5-20 donation a