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The American Tripps Two Year Anniversary with a Daft Punk vs LCD Sound System Dance Party

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Fuck. I can’t believe American Tripps is celebrating its two year anniversary! I remember going to Allan’s 30th(?) birthday party at ATA and seeing him and all his friends running around in circles while playing something that resembled ping pong. Now he’s got a goddamn cottage industry on his hands (not that I actually know what “cottage industry” actually means). Anyways, here’s all the info from the FB invite:

The first weekend in August marks our 2-year anniversary of throwing Berlin-style ping pong parties in San Francisco, so we wanted to do something big to celebrate. Then we caught wind of North American Scum, the acclaimed LCD Soundsystem cover band based here in SF, and we figured it’d be awesome to book them and use the occasion to pit LCD against Daft Punk, their mentors — and current kings of the airwaves.

So: dance party, DJs, live band, Berlin-style ping pong, drinks, food truck out front, foosball and skeeball upstairs in the mezzanine. We’re getting a TaskRabbit to drive us home so the whole American Tripps crew can party hard without a care. Please join us!

Tickets are for sale here. Don’t forget your dancing shoes and ping-ponging wristband…if such thing exists.

LCD Sound System vs Daft Punk Dance Party with Berlin Style Ping Pong
Saturday 8/3
The Rickshaw Stop
155 Fell St. @ Van Ness
[Hayes VAlley]

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Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap

Stuart Schuffman, aka Broke-Ass Stuart, is a travel writer, poet, TV host, activist, and general shit-stirrer. His website is one of the most influential arts & culture sites in the San Francisco Bay Area and his freelance writing has been featured in Lonely Planet, Conde Nast Traveler, The Bold Italic, and too many other outlets to remember. His weekly column, Broke-Ass City, appears every other Thursday in the San Francisco Examiner. Stuart’s writing has been translated into four languages. In 2011 Stuart created and hosted the travel show Young, Broke, and Beautiful on IFC and in 2015 he ran for Mayor of San Francisco and got nearly 20k votes.

He's been called "an Underground legend": SF Chronicle, "an SF cult hero":SF Bay Guardian, and "the chief of cheap": Time Out New York.