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Sex & Dating: Movies That Will Get You Laid

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The lady masses are all a buzz over the trailer for a movie that isn’t going to be in theaters for another 6 months. Chardonnay chuggers across the land have been aching in their nether regions for the release of Fifty Shades of Grey. I couldn’t get past the first 15 pages much less the whole book. Generally film adaptations of novels don’t typically impress me and so the Fifty Shades of Grey movie is not on my must see list.

With so many women aflutter over the Fifty Shades movie, it seems to be a guaranteed ticket for men to get some naked action. Husbands, boyfriends and men everywhere are being advised to see this movie … it will get you laid. Not to mention it comes out on Valentine’s Day. Smart movie executives.


VD is coming…in 2015. 

Why wait till next year though! There are other movies that you can watch that will increase your chances of naked sexy times. Ones that are actually worth watching.

1) Secretary – So you like Fifty Shades of Grey? Secretary will BLOW your mind. Hell, you might blow other things while watching this movie. James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal take sexual tension in the work place to a tantalizing, aching and hungry level of urgency that you can’t take for very long without wanting to jump on the person next to you. A tough and demanding lawyer with a fragile young secretary…sexuality and S&M ensues. HOT!!

* Watch with a riding crop and your safe word.

2) Y Tu Mama Tambien – Yes, it is in Spanish. You can read subtitles though, right? Two young guys take a road trip to a secluded beach with an older married woman. The trip is filled with sexual revelations, partner switches and drunken sexy times that bubble up between all three of them. There is a meaningful life lesson or two to be gleaned from the movie but I don’t remember what it was to be honest. Two horny guys in their late teens and a sexy hot Latina woman…what’s not to like?

* Watch with tequila and without your inhibitions.

3) Unfatihful – Title says it all. Diane Lane…that woman is gorgeous no matter how old she gets. Her boring marriage to Richard Gere leads her to a super secret, crazy love affair with some random hot guy she meets on a windy day in Manhattan. He makes advances and she finally caves after her bored housewife horniness takes over. They have a crap ton of hot sex and especially a damn sexy quickie in a café bathroom. Cheating is dangerous and shit goes down at the end of the movie.

Watch with a bottle of wine and forbidden desire.

There are many more movies that can get your knickers in a sexy twist. These are the top of my list.

Which movies get you riled up? Let us know in the comments!

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Jay H - Bawdy Broadcaster

Jay H - Bawdy Broadcaster

Bay Area native. Oldest girl in a very large extended Mexican family. Studied Art History at UC Berkeley and of course I became a Nonprofit Marketing Consultant! Never married. No kids. Serial dater and and expert at the 'hang out' version of dating. Moved out of crazy expensive SF to Oakland and LOVING it! Loves sports. All of them. Except golf. Oh, and rhythmic gymnastics.