Someone is Putting Googly Eyes on Statues in Golden Gate Park
While out wandering around Golden Gate Park with my friend Kayla the other afternoon I came across a brilliant little art project. Somebody is putting googly eyes on statues in the park and it is absolutely incredible.
The first one we found was in the Shakespeare Garden. Walking into the quite and serene space we encountered old Bill Shakespeare looking incredibly surprised by the stuff he was writing. It’s like his face says “Holy shit this is good!” or “Goddamn this adderall is making me REALLY focused.”
Here he is from another view. Amazing right?
Afterwards we came across the guy below:
Whoever he is, he looks like he is tripping balls! It’s like he’s staring at that pinecone on a shit ton of LSD and thinking “It all makes sense. Everything in the world is one and I can feel this pinecone breathing.” As Kayla pointed out, this is perfect considering all the Summer of Love celebrations going on.
I whole heartedly endorse this art project and think every statue should have googly eyes on it. Don’t you think that would make the world a more fantastic place? So here’s your chance to get in on the fun. Order yourself some googly eyes and take to the streets. Give any statue you see the googly eye treatment and let’s get those stoic looking statues a surprise makeover!