Satirical BART Ads Appear, Warn of Trump Re-Election
This week, some art activists papered BART cars with a satiracal ‘frontpage’, titled Trump Re-Elected by One Vote. The unsanctioned ‘articles’ from the ‘Washington Toast‘, warn that a low voter turnout will lead to a Trump re-election, and perhaps the ‘death of Democracy’.
On the bottom right corner of the poster there is a reflective box meant show the person reading their own reflection, while they read; ‘the one non-voter who lost the election for the left’.
Personally I like my satire a bit funny, maybe even idiotic, but this agitprop’s message is a bit more Charlie Hebdo than The Onion. It’s like a grim, albiet child friendly, reminder not to take your right to vote for granted, or you may end up with an organge dictator. So if you haven’t registered to vote yet, you can register in person up until 8pm on election day (March 3rd). You can find out how to do anything voting related at Cal To find a list of locations where you can vote in person go to:
The Caliofornia Primary matters. A lot. The California vote impacts the selection of the Democratic candidate usually more than any other state, there are simply more voters and dollars in CA than anywhere else in the nation. It matters. And don’t forget about your local propositions! In San Francisco, Proposition D – The Storefront Vacancy Tax & Proposition E – Limits On Office Development could go a long way into curbing greedy landlords and empty storefronts as well as promoting affordable housing as apposed to more empty, white-collar condos for the rich.
The 2020 California Primary is on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020. Here is our progressive voters guide if you’d like some guidance: MARCH 2020 BAS VOTER GUIDE.