Flash Your Zipcard Today for FREE Tacolicious Tacos at Noon

Cheap Transportation AND FREE tacos? IN.
When I ran a red light a couple months ago and my 2000 Mazda 626 was totaled in a freak T-bone accident (that wasn’t freak at all, obviously, because I was the idiot that ran a red light), I thought my life was over. How would I, a Southern California born-and-bred lady (with a steel foot to boot) survive in the city without a car?
Turns out it’s pretty easy, what with Muni and BART and the fact that our city is pretty small, meaning we can basically walk anywhere if we need to. But sometimes we also need groceries from Trader Joe’s and aren’t dating someone with access to an automobile — so we go ahead and join Zipcar. There are benefits to this Zipcar car-sharing business, and I’m not really talking about lessening your carbon footprint. I’m talking an E-mail I got yesterday (as was supposed to go to all card-holding Zipcar members) touting FREE Tacolicious tacos today at noon at the SOMA Zipcar offices. And since this is a promotional, bring-a-friend-to-sign-up activity, you could head down with a buddy who actually has a card or very possibly by your non-Zipcard-holding self, act interested, and chomp some delicious food.
But Tacolicious is not to be messed with — so only head down if you’re in the mood to eat. Because I am, and going if you’re not really hungry is basically taking the food right out of my mouth.
FREE Tacolicious Tacos With Card at the SF Zipcar Office Wednesday, July 28, 12:00pm 191 2nd St. (between Natoma & Howard) [SOMA]Photo courtesy wemultiply.com