Alex Mak - Managing Editor

09 Jul 2019

UK Punks Pro-Immigrant Anthem is Beautiful

There are punks on the other side of the pond, with a pro-immigrant, progressive message, and they happen to be fantastic to watch live. The Bristol band Idles exude a ton of charisma when they perform, watch as the lead singer is overwhelmed on stage, while the guitarist walks on

02 Jul 2019

Klay Thompson Uses Hilarious DiCaprio Vid to Tell Fans he’s ‘Not Leaving’

The NBA had a very busy start to its free agency market this week, dozens of big players swapped teams, changing the fates of various franchises overnight.  Kevin Durant left the Warriors to join Kyrie Irving (who left the Celtics) to team up in Brooklyn while longtime Warrior Andre Iguodala

02 Jul 2019

Klay Thompson Uses DiCaprio Scene to let Fans Know he’s ‘Not Leaving’

The NBA had a very busy start to its free agency market this week, dozens of big players swapped teams, changing the fates of various franchises overnight.  Kevin Durant left the Warriors to join Kyrie Irving (who left the Celtics) to team up in Brooklyn while longtime Warrior Andre Iguodala

02 Jul 2019

Klay Thompson Uses DiCaprio Scene to Answer Trade Rumors

The NBA had a very busy start to its free agency market this week, dozens of big players swapped teams, changing the fates of various franchises overnight.  Kevin Durant left the Warriors to join Kyrie Irving (who left the Celtics) to team up in Brooklyn while longtime Warrior Andre Iguodala

02 Jul 2019

Klay Thompson Uses DiCaprio to Answer Trade Rumors

The NBA had a very busy start to its free agency market this week, dozens of big players swapped teams, changing the fates of various franchises overnight.  Kevin Durant left the Warriors to join Kyrie Irving (who left the Celtics) to team up in Brooklyn while longtime Warrior Andre Iguodala

27 Jun 2019

Banned Bird Scooters Sneak Back into San Francisco

Bird, one of the e-scooter companies that were kicked of San Francisco last year for dumping thousands of scooters on SF streets without permission, are slowly sneaking back into the city.  Despite not having permission, they’ve started renting their scooters (by the month) to SF residents (instead of by the

27 Jun 2019

All Debate Candidates Receive ‘Participation Trophy’ from Chuck Todd

The first of two Democratic Presidential Candidate Debates were held in Miami Wednesday evening.  Ten presidential hopefuls covered everything from healthcare reform to the economy in various, 30-second soundbites.  At center stage stood Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, she was the highest polling candidate of the evening and NBC moderators