Andrea Scout - Not Your Mom's Mom

Baby Gifts that Don’t Suck
Is it just me, or is social media a complete babyfest lately? Everyone is popping out kids. Your boss, your best friend, your sister. And shockingly, they’re all expecting a gift. They might say they’re not, but they are. You’ll probably end up getting something uninspired. Not because you want

Tiny Baby, Tiny Apartment (Part 5): Going Back to Work Sucks Balls
You just had a baby and you’re cruising through maternity leave. Five minutes ago your baby was a newborn — a cozy little blob of goo who slept peacefully on your chest between feedings. Now she yells and laughs, she kicks you and yanks your hair. She faces out in

Tiny Baby, Tiny Apartment (Part 4): Make Maternity Leave Your Bitch
You live in a tiny apartment and you just had a baby. You’re home from the hospital, trying to put that whole bloodbath behind you. Your partner is back to work. And you and the baby are in the apartment, alone. All day long. Crying. Pooping. Staring nervously at one

Tiny Baby, Tiny Apartment (Part 2): Create a Nursery from Thin Air in 3 Easy Steps
You’re pregnant — about to pop — and you live in a tiny apartment. Soon you’re going to have to fit a baby in there. But how? You’ve Googled it. You’ve scoured Pinterest. Surely someone’s blazed the way for you. Where’s that don’t-take-no-shit Manhattan couple with all the answers? Or

Tiny Baby, Tiny Apartment (Part 1): Pregnant and Not Moving to Oakland
You live in a tiny San Francisco apartment and you’re pregnant. The clock is ticking. What was once months away is now weeks. You can’t put it off anymore — it’s time to figure out where this baby is going to live. Maybe we should buy a house, you think.