Guest Writer

All That Glitters: Alcatraz 1969
All That Glitters is an homage to the dreamers and schemers that make the Bay Area unique. San Francisco artist Kaytea Petro uses a homemade hibiscus ink to illustrate historic photos, lovingly depicting a bygone era. More of her work can be seen at or on her Instagram. All

How Phillis Lyon Changed The World…And My Life
Guest Post by Dottie Lux Yesterday was an average Thursday in the sense that, in the morning I ascended a long steep staircase, grabbing the newspaper and passing blooming daisies, to reach a blue house tucked back on the very tip-top of a sloping San Francisco hill. The best view

An Interview with BlakSyn, the Human Behind @KinkyBlackEducator
By KC Van Der Zee Today, and especially in the Bay Area, we are surrounded by technology and seemingly endless streams of algorithms and information. It is not uncommon for a phone to be in hand of everyday bystanders in the city while walking in public, riding on BART, or

It Took the World Getting Sick for America to Realize What a Lot of Us Already Knew
Guest Post by KATE HARVESTON Countries like New Zealand (1939), the United Kingdom (1948), Sweden (1955) and Norway (1956) began putting together national health systems many decades ago. Yet, the U.S. has remained steadfastly determined to stick to its for-profit health care model. But at what cost? COVID-19, the new coronavirus,

The First Day of Quarantine Was Amazing…Now What?
Short story by Moss Brixton “Hey.” “Hey.” My roommate and I eye each other with squints, like the guys in movies who have mustaches and one of them pulls out his pistol a fraction of a split second before the other and poof, one is dead before the other stomps

March to Stop the Spread! On April Fools Day!
“What are we gonna do?” “Stop the Spread!” “How we gonna do it!” “By breathing on eachother in a big group!” Thousands of people in Tampa Florida will be marching on April 1st to ‘Stop the Spread of the Virus’. You may be asking yourself; “why are they marching? Why

Kill Your Ego Before It Kills Someone Else
by Hannah Harkness Hey there, you down in the dark! Thank you for taking the time from your long fictional sports conversation with the stick figure you painted on the wall of your rented apartment to read my article. Personally, I’ve been in a basement room of my apartment I