Guest Writer

Jesus Said Nothing About Abortion – The Pro-Life Movement is Built on Fallacies
Guest post by Mr. History Abortion was common during Jesus’s life, and he had nothing to say about it. [1,2,3] Abortion was common when the U.S. Constitution was written, and the founders had nothing to say about it, except for the adoption of British common law, which allowed it up

If You’re Really From Oakland, You’re Rooting for Damian Lillard
Guest Post by: Levi Jacobs Today the Warriors are going to play the Blazers, and as a life long Warriors fan, I don’t know how to feel. I’ve seen my Warriors through everything. I was a Dubs fan when we won 17 games. That’s not a typo. 17 games. All

The Satirical Sideshow Reflecting the House of Mirrors Called Climate Change: Tempting Fate
Antic in a Drain presents the World Premiere Production of Tempting Fate Via – Ross Travis of Vau de Vire & Antic in a Drain Antic in a Drain (Artistic Director, Ross Travis) proudly presents its world premiere production of Tempting Fate, a satirical sideshow entertainment reflecting the house of

Tempting Fate, a satirical sideshow reflecting the house of mirrors called climate change
Antic in a Drain presents the World Premiere Production of Tempting Fate Via – Ross Travis of Vau de Vire & Antic in a Drain Antic in a Drain (Artistic Director, Ross Travis) proudly presents its world premiere production of Tempting Fate, a satirical sideshow entertainment reflecting the house of

America’s Cultural Paradox
By Harvey Rifkin The election of Trump in 2016 was not only about greed-driven economics for the wealthiest of Republican Americans, but really about a great cultural divide perceived by many working-class Republican Americans. Trump has done little to prop up economic life for working-class Americans, his tax cut went

The Smiling Irish of the SF St. Patrick’s Day Parade
All photos by Tony Shipp The 2019 St. Patrick’s Day parade was by far the biggest in San Francisco’s recent memory. Regardless of Irish ancestry the cops, firefighters, Catholic school kids, politicians, unions, social clubs, and many more participated. If you missed it, here’s a taste of what passed by,

Over 100 Drag Kings & Queens To Perform in Oakland
Via – Mama Celeste (aka Grey Tartaglione) The Bay Area Drag Festival is Coming Back to Oakland From Friday April 26th to Sunday April 28th, over one hundred drag kings, queens, and queer performers from the Bay Area and beyond will come together for the second annual Oaklash Drag Festival. Organized by