Guest Writer

Chinese & Japanese Film-a-Palooza
By Peter Wong World film lovers living in the San Francisco Bay Area have the advantage of having expanded film-going opportunities. Such film lovers need not settle for seeing new Asian films on just a few, sporadic multiplex screens. Depending on the time of year, a Bay Area film festival can

We Went to Burning Man to Tell Tech: Stop Supporting ICE
By Marisa Franco In the midst of the twisted metal and neon light art installations of Burning Man, we added one more: a tall wooden cage, like those in prisons throughout the country where President Trump has locked away thousands of immigrants. Immigrants have been rounded up and imprisoned by Immigration

Hopeful Stories in Dark Times: The SF Green Film Festival
By Kristin Tieche Many San Franciscans recall October 2017 as the beginning of the apocalypse. As fires raged in Napa and Sonoma counties, San Franciscans woke up to their cars covered with ash. The color of the sky morphed into an ominous shade of brownish orange. At hardware stores, N95

Surviving ADHD as an Adult
By Rachel Fogletto So, you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and you’re probably thinking, “What do I even do with this information?” If you’re anything like me, you’ll write a painfully funny standup bit about it and pray your doctor doesn’t ever look you up on YouTube. If

What it’s Like Being a Black Gentrifier
Guest post by LeRon L. Barton The story of San Francisco today can be summed up in three words: Housing, Displacement, and Gentrification. The removal of people from their homes, the loss of local business, the reimaging of neighborhoods, and the destruction of community is the number one issue with

Fun Facts About Fogust That You Didn’t Know
Guest Post by Elena Harper Summer in San Francisco is not for the faint-hearted. We have months called June Gloom and Fogust, to honor our favorite native son: Karl the Fog. Wrapped in layers, hot beverage in hand, true locals know this is a time of retrospection and reconnection –

Hilarious Dive Bar Illustrations
By Kelly O’Grady A wise person once said “Write what you know” well, I know dive-bars. I’ve spent many afternoons in a bar doodling and listening to people. These are those comics of the various conversations I’ve overheard. the first comic I drew about bars. what is the drinking age