Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks

14 Oct 2011

Calling all Broke-Ass Moms

Anyone know where other Broke-Ass Moms hang out? Yeah, I can’t find them either. But I know you’re out there.  Maybe you’re lurking through the Goodwill bins for a Halloween costume, busy composting your coffee grounds, or reading the latest book you checked out of the library with your toddler

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
07 Oct 2011

Car Sharing

Sometimes being a Broke-Ass Mom means giving up a few things for the greater good, and sometimes that greater good is paying rent.  After succumbing to the idea that I am no longer that beer funneling, dance-my-ass-off-till-3am, or sleep-till-noon kind of person anymore, the next hardest thing was figuring out what

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
30 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Mom and Mass Transit 201

If you think you’ve mastered mass transit because since last week you’ve become a black belt in riding a train, think again. We have yet to discuss how to get on and off a train or a bus. The first question is how far do you have to walk to

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
23 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Mom and Mass Transit 101

Now that you’re car-free, mass transportation should be your new best friend.  If you’re not careful, what was once as easy as “hop on and hop off” can now be the most miserable thirty minutes of your day. The goal is to not get a standing ovation as you and

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
16 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Mom, Footloose and Car-free

Getting rid of your car is one of the most liberating things a Broke-Ass Mom can do. It may not be possible in all cities, towns, countries, etc, but if you can free your mind a little, you’ll be sure to free up your wallet. According to an annual study

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
09 Sep 2011

Top Ten Broke-Ass Mom Toys

If you’re starting to empty your pants’ pockets, digging change out of the laundromat fund, and breaking open your piggy bank to buy your baby the latest and greatest toy in the hopes of keeping up with the Joneses cut the cord and stop.  Maybe you’ve noticed small yelps coming

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
02 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Mom: Making Room for Baby

Living in an urban setting? Do you have a new squatter growing in your belly? Want desperately to retain your one-bedroom apartment from your bachelor days? Do it!  You’ll be seen as the “cool parents” on the block, and even the suburbanites will yearn for your life.  Just don’t let

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0