Jay H - Bawdy Broadcaster
Awesome Bay Area Hikes to Bring a Date On
As Bay Area inhabitants we have some amazing nature all around us. Tahoe is a few hours North, Big Sur is a few hours South, Yosemite a few hours East and the Pacific Ocean is to the West. Now, I don’t camp. I don’t see the appeal of sleeping on
Sex & Dating: Amazing 21st Century Sex Toys
While the internet is going crazy about some dude in Ohio who raised over forty thousands of dollars to make a bowl of potato salad, I found some other things on the inter webs that, I believe, really shouldn’t go unnoticed. Yes, I’m talking about some really interesting Sexy Time toys. It’s
How to Get Cheap Birth Control if SCOTUS Just Took Yours Away
We all heard it. The Supreme Court ruling on the Hobby Lobby case angered more people than the ending of How I Met Your Mother. The penis wrinkles on the bench favored on the side of the “closely held” corporations.
Sex and Dating: What are Your Deal Killers?
We all have a list. A “Standards List” for people you date. The gauntlet of rules we hold against the person asking you for a first date. They won the “Sure…I’ll share a coffee/meal/blanket in the park with this person” prize. So what must they do now? What must happen in