Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler
Holy Ole’s!
If you’re an East Coast transplant living in California, then you’ve probably lamented the lack of greasy spoon diners in the Bay Area (no, Mel’s, IHOP, and Denny’s don’t count, though they are the greasiest). Well, guess what? Ole’s Waffle Shop in Alameda is here to fill the gap (with
Holy Ole's!
If you’re an East Coast transplant living in California, then you’ve probably lamented the lack of greasy spoon diners in the Bay Area (no, Mel’s, IHOP, and Denny’s don’t count, though they are the greasiest). Well, guess what? Ole’s Waffle Shop in Alameda is here to fill the gap (with
East Bay Unwrapped: Alameda Thriftin’
If you were swept out to sea, on what kind of island would you hope to seek refuge? A mysterious, tropical island filled with your hot travelmates, like in Lost? Gilligan’s Island? This crazy-ass cluster of islands for rich people? Well, my ideal sanctuary would be the Island of Alameda;
East Bay Unwrapped: Alameda Thriftin'
If you were swept out to sea, on what kind of island would you hope to seek refuge? A mysterious, tropical island filled with your hot travelmates, like in Lost? Gilligan’s Island? This crazy-ass cluster of islands for rich people? Well, my ideal sanctuary would be the Island of Alameda;
Discover Yourself Today for FREE
Ever wonder why you look exactly like the mailman? Need to back your claim of being half Mexican, half German, and 100% awesome? Well, today you’ll have the chance to uncover all the mysteries of your family’s lineage for FREE at the California Genealogical Society and Library. On the first
East Bay Unwrapped: The New Target
Nestled in the heart of the hyper-industrial, super-consumer heaven that is Emeryville, California, a new Target (or “Tar-jay” as middle-aged white ladies call it), is born. Some of you are probably wondering, “Why does this earth need another Target? We already have 300 of them in California alone!” But, honestly,
Laney College Flea Market: This and Every Sunday
It’s Sunday morning, and you don’t want to leave your bed until at least 11:30 (it’s out of principle). But then you’re struck by the primal urge to forage through clumps of tangled trinkets while being subjected to Raggaeton and a guy playing whatever the hell this thing is. That’s