Rachel Balik - Low-Brow Luminary

Rent Control Bids Farewell to the Way Things Were, Rock-Opera Style
“You had a life that you loved for so long. You had a life that loved and now it’s gone.” So ends “Gone Songs,” the first track on Rent Control, a solo, concept album by singer, guitarist, sound engineer and long-time San Francisco resident, J. Kick. That startling sense of loss

Uber Sabotages Dozens of Tech Companies with Plot to Monopolize News All Week
Early Friday morning, Aereo, the tv streaming company that has battled long and hard against television networks to steal and re-resell programming to users, filed for bankruptcy. In the past, the company has captivated the attention of gossip-hungry readers everywhere. But after a week of world-class PR from the team at Uber,

More Funny Translations of Tech News
Just because you get the news about all the wonderful things happening in technology, doesn’t mean you know what the fuck it means. Luckily, we break it down for you, in a hilarious manner, so your friends think you’re smart and know stuff. The Internet is in an ongoing uproar

Funny Translations of Tech News
Just because you get the news about all the wonderful things happening in technology, doesn’t mean you know what the fuck it means. Luckily, we break it down for you, in a hilarious manner, so your friends think you’re smart and know stuff. The Tech News: Tim Ferriss has received $1.2 million