
Eighteen Tunes to Screw To, While You’re Stuck Inside
This story was originally published on Broke Ass Stuart’s Goddamn Website five years ago. Here, it’s been updated and also includes a Spotify link. Cue up the entire playlist with a single click: Eighteen Tunes to Screw To And stay tuned for a follow-up list the next week or two.

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2019
As long as I’m making playlists you can’t complain that you’re having trouble discovering new music in the Bay Area. I have a love-hate relationship with creating TOP 20 playlists of local bands. On one hand, the playlist becomes my favorite thing to listen to for the next year. Additionally,

Our 12 Most Read Stories of 2019
So long 2019, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out! Now, let’s all have a seat and scroll through the most read articles published on over the past twelve months. Unsurprisingly, they cover progressive views, culture, nightlife, and of course a sprinkling of

Our 11 Most Read Stories of 2019
So long 2019, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out! Now, let’s all have a seat and scroll through the most read articles published on over the past twelve months. Unsurprisingly, they cover progressive views, culture, nightlife, and of course a sprinkling of

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2018 vs 2009
Have your listening habits changed from 2009 to 2019? Following the trend of comparing 2009 to 2019, I’ve created a playlist that documents Bay Area bands from the past 10 years. It will compare the bands I was listening to when I started writing about the Bay Area music scene

The Funnest Cosplay Costumes at Comic Con NY
Well hello there, broke ass readers! As you may or may not have heard, I went to New York Comic Con this weekend in the name of our wonderful Broke Ass island of misfit toys. If you aren’t aware of what this convention is all about, the best way for

Top 20 Bay Area Bands of 2017
Make your New Years resolution to listen to more hot Bay Area bands in 2018. Creating a limited list of only 20 local bands is a challenge for me, I have access to a lot of new music. In fact, this list doesn’t include a lot of friends that are crushing