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This is Why San Francisco is Such a Magical Place
San Francisco is a special place. A place where we never leave the house without layers. Where it’s normal to call in sick to work because it’s finally 80 degrees and you want to drink a beer in the park. A place where most adults have costume boxes and where

A Documentary Following Stuart Schuffman on the Campaign Trail
Noemi Zeigler and her crew are documenting my run for Mayor of San Francisco. They’ve gotten some footage of myself and my team over the past few months and done some interviews. Below is the first episode in the documentary series about my run for mayor.

Free “I Still Love SF” Shirt!
Yes, really. We are giving these shirts out for FREE! Read below to learn more! We all know San Francisco changed a lot recently. But really, at it’s core, it’s still one of the most magical cities in the world. Even if it breaks my heart sometimes, and occasionally lets me

Broke-Ass Stuart Needs YOUR Help to Grow Up!!
I’ve launched an indiegogo campaign to raise money to help grow to its full potential. Please go here to donate and make sure to read all the perks, especially the ones starting at $2,000 because they are hilarious! You can read all about why I’m doing this below. Thank you for your love and support.

Tipping While Black – The Struggles of a Black Barman
I tip because I’m a part of this industry, but more importantly I tip because I’m Black. It’s a lose-lose at times because I’ll have the urgent need to make sure that I leave a good impression…

Rent Control in San Francisco is a Golden Handcuff
It’s a hell of a thing to know that once you have to move, you can never come back again. That this is the last place you will ever live, in San Francisco, the City that you love and that you’ve given so much to. Having already chosen a life

Why You Should Fuck a Writer
Fuck a writer because he can make you hard or wet just by typing. Kiss him because he can turn a one night stand into a life defining poem. A weekend fling into a highly praised novella. A short love affair into a best selling book…