New York

10 Oct 2012

Broke-Ass Halloween Costume Idea: Christmas Tree

Kind of. Halloween is just around the corner and if you’re like me, there are many reasons not to buy one of those pre-packaged slutty halloween costumes for “women.” Not least of them being the insane price points – seriously, $75 for a couple swatches of fabric that make you

Patricia Scull - Patty the Pauper 0
08 Oct 2012

Perfecting the Impulse Move

You’re young. Nothing is tying you down. Why not get out and experience the world? Friends have looked to me for relocation tips just as often as they have teased me for moving so frequently. “How did you find a job so quickly?” “How do you pull it off each

Kristin Fehrman - Diva of Deals 0
04 Oct 2012

BA of the Week – Cartoonist and Screenwriter AP Quach

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit — probably not.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
01 Oct 2012

Relationships According to Social Media

As I made coffee this morning, I struggled to remember what dating was like before social media became a part of every day life. I thought back to the days of anonymity, speculation, and sharing news by word of mouth. Before the days of Facebook, there was no definite box

Kristin Fehrman - Diva of Deals 0
26 Sep 2012

Get Cultured at Smithsonian’s National FREE Museum Day This Saturday

In my humble opinion, the best part about visiting This Nation’s Great Capital is all of the FREE Smithsonian museums that Washington, DC has going on.  Would I like to learn about everything from airplanes to the decorative arts?  Why yes, especially if I can do so for FREE!  Because

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
26 Sep 2012

The Upside of Fall

It’s Fall! Winter’s sneaky little sidekick is creeping up on us quickly. As I write this you may be chopping down a bundle of firewood to get you through the upcoming frozen hell of whatever place you live in. Fall hasn’t reached California yet. We are still blessed with jacket-optional

Donna Rose - Bankrupt Blonde 0
24 Sep 2012

Cheap Beauty Tip of the Week: Take Care of Your Makeup Brushes

If you are someone who works with makeup on a daily basis, whether you’re a makeup artist or someone who wears it everyday, you recognize the value of investing in a set of quality makeup brushes. Depending on the brand, how many brushes you buy and the quality of brushes,

Kathleen Neves - Beauty Babe on a Budget 0