
12 Jun 2019

How Many of Weirdo Roommates Have You Lived With?

WORST ROOMMATE SEARCH EVER: PART 2 – A Dominatrix, Techie, Pharma Bro, Freegan & Psycho It’s Wednesday and you know what that means: The third episode of Shaky Ground is here! In part two of the Worst Roommate Search Ever, the interviews for a new roommate in a Mission District rent

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
10 Jun 2019

I Wanna Mail You Really Strange Postcards

Remember back in February when I sent out the incredibly ridiculous Valentine above? Then remember in May when I sent out the one further below? It’s all part of my Postcards in the Mail program. Everyone who is a member of my Patreon at $6 or above gets strange postcards

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Jun 2019

SF’s Newest Park Next to an Old Navy Shipyard, What Could go Wrong?

India Basin, San Francisco, CA.  Chances are you’ve never heard of it.  I’m 90% sure I went to a rave there in 2008, but apparently lot a has changed in India since then.  Most recently, there’s a 9+ acre park renovation that the city & many private donors have in

05 Jun 2019

Is This the Worst Roommate Interview Ever?

Worst Roommate Search Ever: Part 1 – The “Spiritual Millennial” The second episode of Shaky Ground is here and you’re gonna laugh your ass off! This time we tackle the finding a new roommate for your rent controlled apartment. Searching Craigslist & Facebook to fill a room in a rent controlled

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 May 2019

We’ve Found the Worst Tech Bro in SF & His Ridiculous App

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! The first sketch from my new comedy web series, Shaky Ground is here! Check it out below! Motherly: The App That Does Everything Your Mommy Won’t Do for You Anymore In this first sketch you’ll meet Chad, possibly the most obnoxious tech

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 May 2019

Shaky Ground: The Hilarious New Web Series Lampooning San Francisco

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! The first sketch from my new comedy web series, Shaky Ground is here! Check it out below! Motherly: The App That Does Everything Your Mommy Won’t Do for You Anymore In this first sketch you’ll meet Chad, possibly the most obnoxious tech

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
24 May 2019

Tricks for Cleaning Your Clothes When You Can’t Afford to Dry Clean

Oh, no! The big job interview is tomorrow and your favorite go-to power suit is sporting a stain from Starbucks. What can you do when your wallet contains only moths, and you can’t afford new duds for a big day or even a dry cleaner for an item already owned?