
Spec's Might Be the Best Bar in the World
I honestly believe that Spec’s might be the best bar in the world. I know it’s pretty heavy thing to say, but I’ve been drunk in a lot of places, and if Spec’s isn’t the best bar in the world, it certainly is in the running. I got drunk there

Cheap but not easy: A night with Stuart and the Intern
As an ode to his resolutions and to not be a jerk to his intern any longer, Stuart has proposed a weekly rendevous with yours truly. Whether it’s going to check out somewhere new, getting some beers or catching a show, we’re going out and blogging the findings. Think of it
Want some free food with your drink?
Just thought I’d let all you San Francisco people know that, during the day on weekends, the bar Delirium (16th St. near Valencia) gives out free BBQ. All you gotta do is buy a drink. I know some of you like to spend your Sundays getting drunk, and I just thought you might want
Return of the Intern
It’s the newbie, coming to you live from midterm central. I never thought i would make it out alive, but here I am, making my dramatic entrance in a burst of flames. Stuart asked me to pick my favorite cheap spot in the City. I literally have been thinking about