
Amnesia on Valencia is Closing
Sometimes it feels like the San Francisco local media business is a just a race to break the story of which place is closing now. That’s the sad state of media and the sad state of San Francisco in 2020. It’s like bummer porn. Amnesia was one of the very

Melvoy’s New Song About SF, “San Franfrisco” is Pretty Awesome
I know there’s already a lot of great songs about San Francisco, but it never hurts to have more. Melvoy‘s new song just came out today and I love how catchy it is. Plus, the lines “I’ve never seen so much self degradation/horrid display of public defecation” are hilarious and true.

Brass Tax First Fridays at Amnesia
In case you didn’t have enough fun on New Year’s Day at Supper of Survivors, don’t worry – there is more Brass Tax-ness in the air. Join BTx residents Mace, JoeJoe, and DingDong for Brass Tax First Friday’s at Amnesia. The small club in the Mission will surely be packed

FREE Open Bluegrass Jam at Amnesia
Many great local and outside bluegrass and jazz acts grace Amnesia’s sacred stage from week to week. They are all incredibly talented. What about us average Joes, though? Every second and fourth Monday of each month Amnesia plays host to The Pick!, which is an open jam session for anyone

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Jake Mann + the Upper Hand (Thursday @ Amnesia)
Crossbill Records has introduced me to handful of amazing musicians who now make up my most-played list on iTunes: Matt Bauer, Sea of Bees, and now I can add Jake Mann + the Upper Hand to the rotation. This Thursday, October 20, you can catch Jake Mann + the Upper Hand

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Whiskerman (Tonight @ Amnesia)
If you’ve ever gone to a show in San Francisco or the East Bay and seen an excellent violinist or cellist in the band, it was probably one of the inimitable Patzner brothers. Graham, Anton, and Lewis Patzner are go-to string players for every Bay Area band that knows what’s

Party at Wesley Stace's Book Release Extravaganza This Sunday!
Hot off the heels of Monica’s post yesterday about the Bay Area Book Expo, which reminded us that inevitably, but hopefully not in our lifetime, “the printed book will mutate into something that will eventually cease to be” (Monica channeling Ray Bradbury!) comes today’s post assuring us that for now,