armistead maupin
Bring Back the Bay Guardian — and Win a Metaphorical Unicorn!
Friends, is this the San Francisco you dreamed of? The sparkling, golden dream of freewheeling political experiment, debate, and protest; colorful art, poetry, and music that fly completely free from rent-money and basic-bro anxiety; diverse culture, nightlife, and style that springs from pure expression rather than some lame-ass PowerPoint marketing plan?
Catch ‘Tales of the City’ Before It’s Gone!
The curtain will be dropping soon over A.C.T.’s Geary Theatre as the musical incarnation of Armistead Maupin’s ‘Tales of the City’ comes to the end of it’s maiden engagement in the town of it’s conception on July 31st. If the hijinks and rites of passage of those gentle children atop Russian Hill were