art theft

SF Artist Studios Burglarized, $10k in Equipment Missing
By SF Artist Joshua Coffy In the early morning hours of June 13th, the Journal Building at 1540 Market St. was broken into and robbed. The thief took $10k worth of cameras, lenses, lighting, and other valuable art supplies. The Journal Building is home to ArtSpan’s Studio Residency Program that serves

SF Artist Studios Robbed, $10k in Equipment Missing
By SF Artist Joshua Coffy In the early morning hours of June 13th, the Journal Building at 1540 Market St. was broken into and robbed. The thief took $10k worth of cameras, lenses, lighting, and other valuable art supplies. The Journal building in SF is knowned for it’s Birdsong mural completed

SF Artist Studios Robbed, $10k in Equipment Stolen
By SF Artist Joshua Coffy In the early morning hours of June 13th, the Journal Building at 1540 Market St. was broken into and robbed. The thief took $10k worth of cameras, lenses, lighting, and other valuable art supplies. The Journal building in SF is knowned for it’s Birdsong mural completed

Ugliest Painting in the World, Stolen From SF Gallery
*Warning: This story contains world-class bad taste, several cases of alcohol abuse, 2 cases of theft, 1 case of blackmail, and several serious breaches of personal trust. VIEWER DISCRETION IS SOMEWHAT ENCOURAGED On June 3rd, at approximately 12:00am, one of the world’s finest examples of terrible art was brazenly stolen

The Ugliest Painting in the World, Stolen From Mission Gallery
*Warning: This story contains world-class bad taste, several cases of alcohol abuse, 2 cases of theft, 1 case of blackmail, and several serious breaches of personal trust. VIEWER DISCRETION IS SOMEWHAT ENCOURAGED On June 3rd, at approximately 12:00am, one of the world’s finest examples of terrible art was brazenly stolen