Arts and Culture

Local Legend of The Week: Artist Jeremy Fish
Jeremy in front of his art. Photo courtesy of writer/photographer Illyana Maisonet Jeremy Fish is an internationally known artist, North Beach resident, and may be appearing in Tim Burton’s next film ‘Big Eyes’ starring Amy Adams. We met at Café Trieste in North Beach, where a constant flow of neighbors, friends, and eccentrics stop by to say

Dear Everyone: Shut Up About How Much LA Sucks*
*I’m talking to myself, too. Aloha, ladies and gentlemen. It’s been a while, I know, omg whatever, but I’m still in LA and it’s almost been a whole year – a thought that has this kind of affect on me where I’m like “Trippy, man” but also “Not-so-trippy, man” because everything

CONFLUENCE: A Collection of Divergent Styles (the new show at Upper Playground)
It had been a while since I got my cultural rocks off so I stopped by the FIFTY24SF gallery last night for the opening of CONFLUENCE and was pleasantly sated by the whole experience. Her by Zio Zigler What’s neat about this show is its diversity. Featuring 23 different artists, the

How To Go To SFMOMA For Cheap(ish) And Treat It Like A Movie Theater
If you’re anything like me, you like museums in theory but the admission is waaaaayyyy unaffordable and it always makes you feel kind of drowsy anyway, so whenever those headliner exhibits of Warhol or Matisse come around, you just look at pictures on the internet instead and feel satisfied enough

Economicomix: When I See the Muni Logo…

Get Cultured at Smithsonian’s National FREE Museum Day This Saturday
In my humble opinion, the best part about visiting This Nation’s Great Capital is all of the FREE Smithsonian museums that Washington, DC has going on. Would I like to learn about everything from airplanes to the decorative arts? Why yes, especially if I can do so for FREE! Because