Ash Reiter

Broke-Ass Band Interview: The Northern Key (Thurs @ Brick & Mortar)
Nothing better than a double album release party featuring two rad Bay Area bands, all for only $5. Indie folk trio The Northern Key and Oakland indie pop favorite Ash Reiter both celebrate their new records this Thursday, November 3rd, at Brick & Mortar Music Hall. Presented by Different Fur

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Ash Reiter (Wed @ Rickshaw)
This week’s Broke-Ass band is local leading lady Ash Reiter. Voice of an angel, that one. And she’s working on so many rad projects right now, you’re gonna feel super lazy by the end of this interview. Fun for you! Ash and her band are playing Wednesday night (Sept. 28th)

FREE EpicSauce Show on Thursday
San Francisco show listing website debuted a FREE show series a couple months ago. The semi-weekly shows take place at Milk Bar in the Haight. This Thursday’s FREE show features a great lineup: Silian Rail, By Sunlight, Ash Reiter, and Devotionals (a great band made up of Two Gallant’s